
outside our drinks

stuff to do this winter

make art out of your fruit peel

The peel might seem like the bit of the fruit you could do without but it actually has its uses (besides protecting the fleshy stuff inside). Follow the steps below and you should see that it’s all you need to get a bit crafty. Well, that and a healthy appetite. You might as well eat the fruit as you go.

half an orange and carrots

you’ll need:
some fruit
some paper
some glue
cookie cutters (optional)
some string (optional)
some toothpicks (optional)

step 1

Eat lots of fruit and keep the peels (you don’t have to do it all in one sitting). Oranges work pretty well for this activity.

InnocentDrinks, orange peels

step 2

Use scissors or press the cookie cutters into the peel to make shapes. Set them to one side to dry out.

InnocentDrinks, orange peels in heart shape

step 3

Stick your shapes to a page to form a collage or thread them to create bunting, bracelets and anything else you can think of.

InnocentDrinks, orange peel

step 4

Feeling creative? Keep an eye out for peel that looks like other things (you can also cut it into shape). Stick it to a page and draw around it to create art that leaps off the page.

step 5

You can also make 3D art with toothpicks (no silly glasses required). Tear off lots of small bits of peel and use them as connectors to build your own structures.

InnocentDrinks, toothpicks

outside our drinks

stuff to do this winter

We had a load of snow-based activities written here, but you’ve got as much chance of snow in winter as sun in summer, so enjoy our non-snow-based activities below.